Monday, May 24, 2010

Birthday Cake Makes Everything Better

Yes, the cake matches the shirt.  And the headband.  Get over it. 

It was really, really good.

Yes, the bunting reads "Happy Birthda". 

The kid is 2 years old.  She can't read.  Besides, we drag it out for all of our birthdays...I made it a couple of  years ago from the tutorial on maya made.  Let's just say we're embracing the imperfection.

Hope your day has been full of things to celebrate...


  1. Love it! The bunting & the cake. The cake does look delicious, anything with icing that bright would be wouldn't it!

  2. Wendy-Shani is 2?!? How is that possible? She is adoreable!!! (Of course) I thought the chicken coop was pretty hard to beat, BUT you did it with the cake!!! Happy bday and many more <3

  3. hehee, very cute!
    2 yr olds just care about coloured icing!

  4. wow. I can't believe she is two. I've never met her and that means I haven't seen you in person in more than two whole years. that is so sad to me. wow. now i'm speechless.



Thanks for taking the time to makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.