Wednesday, June 16, 2010

My Creative Space: Has Anybody Seen My Glue Gun?

I'm supposed to be packing.  And tidying.  And organizing.  But I keep finding myself in the Haven o' Craft, tripping over piles of fabric and trying to sneak in just one more quick project before I get down to the business of getting us out of here.

This morning, for example, I cut into a gorgeous pink flowered vintage sheet.  Totally smitten with the multitude of shirred dresses out there, I figured I'd whip up a pair of matchies for the little girls.  I measured.  I cut.  I pressed.  I hemmed.  I shirred.  I wailed.  Although I'd carefully doubled the measurement for the shirred bit, it ended up being 2 inches shy of the length I needed.  (Which should be a relief to those of you who may have worried I'd start cranking out sweet little shirred dresses and put those dress-selling Etsians out of business...)  So:  tears at the sewing table.  Where have we heard that one before?

In order to soothe my wounded inner craftster, I took on a quick, easy little project---one of those instant gratification jobbies so near and dear to me.  Grossgrain ribbon in hand, I set out to make some hairbows.  We were fine and dandy till the last step, when I realized that---horror of horrors!---my glue gun had gone AWOL.  Much grumbling ensued, and the H o' C was turned upside down, but the little bugger is still unaccounted for.

I know when I'm beat.  I took Mojy and Shani and headed out for some retail therapy---at the feed store.  Kit the 'keet needs to eat turkey feed, so I walked into the store with a clear cut plan:  Buy feed.  Leave store.  Go home and screw up another couple of projects.

I left the store with another guinea fowl.  I'd been feeling a little guilty for keeping poor Kit all by him/herself in that big ol' brooder, and Mr. Feed Store Man promptly handed over another little 'keet to keep the first one company. (It seems he has an abundance of guinea fowl to dole out to his customers' kids.  Which is odd, really.  In my day, shopkeepers gave out balloons, or lollies.  Go figure.)

Check out some more productive spaces over at Kirsty's!


  1. Ha ha! I've been scattered too, I've ranted at the kids for stealing my calculator, then found it exactly where I'd just put it down! And as you can see, you're not alone stuffing up projects this week! Hope the next one is a gem :)

  2. Watcha gonna do if those things are of the opposite sexes and reproduce? and then, if horror of all horrors... EAT their offspring???

  3. Oh my goodness what a day!! Did you ever find your glue gun??

  4. I am so in love with shirring, though I have never attempted reminds me of almost every dress I ever wore when I was little.

  5. Oh that's so cute the guy gave you another, and I think Kit will be much much happier with a friend.

  6. hehee, did you find the glue gun?
    what a day!

  7. you know what? no matter what the weather is like, how many cups of coffee i have, where the kids are, every time: i mean every time i cut fabric it winds up short. it stinks.

  8. Hi Wendy --

    I just noticed your comment under today's post over at WeBloomHere. Left you a response under your comment but thought I'd post over here, too...

    You are too funny. I loved your itinerary for this afternoon -- "A clear cut plan: Buy feed. Leave store. Go home and screw up another couple of projects." And your little guinea fowl chicks are so cute...

    When I dropped off my little guy at camp this morning the children were passing around a couple of newly hatched chickies (and the 9 bunnies were hopping around as usual...) For the next few weeks I have him enrolled in a great little summer program at our local middle school. There's a strong 4H program so the children enjoy the benefit of lots of on-site critters.


  9. Ooooh cute-a freebie fowl, how odd! The only thing I seem to be given lately is *awful* free toys from op shops when I go in with my kids...don't have the heart to tell the ladies they will be gifted to the next op shop I enter. What a plan...and what a day. Your posts always leave me smiling. Hope you found the glue gun!!

  10. You see what happens when you are supposed to be doing real-life?!!! Sorry about the mistakes and hope the packing resumes soon!

  11. I think that shop keeper sees you coming! Great that your little guinea fowl has a friend though. The do like to run around in groups in the wild so maybe they'll be a little less noisy together! Hope you find your glue gun and your projects start turning out a little better (I have those days too)!

  12. Wow - what a day you've had. Hope you're relaxing with a cup of tea right now. Good luck with the packing!

  13. Wow - what a day you've had. Hope you're relaxing with a cup of tea right now. Good luck with the packing!


Thanks for taking the time to makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.