Monday, November 8, 2010

Didn't she ramble?

It's been strange here these past couple of weeks.  When our buyers pulled their little disappearing act, it threw us into stasis--didn't know if we were coming or going.  Trying to keep the house in show-able condition limits what can happen within its walls, and, to be honest, I've been in a bit of a funk.

A recent checkup revealed a spike in my cholesterol level (which is usually quite low) that my doctor attributed to stress.  Yeah, I'll buy that.  She told me to lose some weight and to exercise regularly, since my diet is already pretty clean.  So I finally dragged my lazy bum downstairs to the spin bike that keeps the washer and dryer company, and I'm pleased to report that I've used it every day since.  (My secret weapon?  I only let myself watch Glee while I'm riding! )

Trader Joe's opened its doors here in Des Moines last week, and I took the kids for a shop on Sunday.  (Note to self:  Do not take the kids to TJ's.  Do not shop ANYWHERE on Sunday afternoon.)  We waded   through the throngs of elated Des Moinians that swarmed the aisles, picking up an assortment of groceries that, on later inspection, bore no relation whatsoever to the list I'd prepared.

The littlest loinfruit has taken to dressing herself.  It's a shame you can't see the navy Converse sneakers that "made" the outfit.


  1. Wow, looks busy Wendy! You need to make yourself a t-shirt now that says "I didn't dress her". The amount of 'bad parent' looks I used to get when I went out with Ella in that phase was numerous indeed.

  2. PS. good on you for exercising regularly and hope your stress disappears (or goes back to normal levels) soon. xx

  3. I dig the littlest loinfruit's get-up!

    Is 'Trader Joes' like a supermarket? I'm trying to remember the faces of various loinfruits so I can remember them in future posts. They're all very cute and there're so many!

  4. Brilliant, Glee & exercise, i love it!! Love Posie

  5. Its funny how across the globe we can both be in the same funk! Good idea with the bike though, getting moving can really clear the head. Spawnette dresses herself too, lovely vibrant outfits - your littlest is adorable! Goodness me I just noticed the line-up of people and trolleys behind you eep!

  6. Um, do not take anyone. Anywhere. Ever.

  7. Laughing at the littlest loinfruit and her quest for stripes!


Thanks for taking the time to makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.