Saturday, May 22, 2010

Girls' (First) Night Out!

Thanks to a heroic effort on the part of the whole littlegreenbums crew, the chooks spent their first night in Ye Olde Chicken Coope on Friday.  We got the door hung, the run covered, the roosts up, and the straw bedding down, (in addition to the usual Shabbos preparations) and introduced the ladies to their new home an hour before candlelighting.  The were a little shell-shocked at first,  but we spent a pleasant couple of hours watching them forage in the run this afternoon.  It takes a bit of coaxing to get them to use the gangplank (in either direction) but they seem to be more than a little intrigued by their new homemade feeder.  Still need to put up the shingles, extend the roof a tad --look, Ma, more blonde measuring skills!-- and do some touch-up painting on the morrow. 

Right now, though, I'm off to the sewing table to whip up some wide headbands---to camouflage Shani's sister-inflicted haircut. 

nifty photo by


  1. Oh hooray for your chookens. We now have 1000 here but I often miss having a couple scratching around the yard that you knew and recognised.

  2. Yay! How exciting to have the chooks in their new home. Hope you had a lovely weekend (although the haircut sounds a little scarey!)

  3. Hooray for you!!! Your chickens must love it! Hope they repay you with lots of yummy eggs with proper yellow yolks (not that insipid colour the cage ones lay).
    Now, you can come over here and build me one please :)


Thanks for taking the time to makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.