Monday, October 11, 2010

How do you spell "relief?"

I made a long list of things to do last night before I toddled off to bed. The Post Office, the library, and the bank figured prominently among the errands I felt sure I'd run, if only I took the time to jot myself a handy reminder. In the spare moments between erranding, I planned to finish the table, catch up on the laundry, do some random know the sort of stuff I'm talking about.  So, the laundry got done (well, it got started...the laundry never gets done...) and the table got done.  The paperwork got signed and sealed, and the laundry room got a lick and a polish.  I defrosted the extra-extra freezer and put its dwindling contents into the extra freezer in the basement.  I made fresh rolls and split pea soup for lunch, cut up the veggies for supper.  And then, my friends, I looked at the clock.  And discovered that it was 4:30.  And I just didn't have the gumption to haul myself out to the car to start the errand-go-round.  I spent a half-hour or so just beating myself up for not making it out of the house all day, list or no.  I checked the mail---nada---and thought how odd it was that our very-punctual mailman had yet to grace us with his presence.  And then it hit me.  Today, dear readers, is the second Monday in October---Columbus DayNo bank.  No library.  No post office.  No guilt. 


  1. Sounds like it worked out awesomely! (Who knew that was a word?? I just discovered it when spell check didn't underline it!)

  2. awesome. Someone's watching out for you.

  3. your lucky.... we made it altheway to the bank to discover that its closed


Thanks for taking the time to makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.