Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Busy, busy.

I always pretend that going to camp is a vacation.  I don't do laundry or dishes and I don't do much in the way of cooking, but otherwise, I'm a slave to the art room.  (And I love it.  Don't get me wrong...) Between brainstorming for project ideas, making samples, setting up, cleaning up, and actually teaching, the day passes in a blissful blur.  Then there are the countless of requests for lanyard or bracelet string, the "I broke my ring/headband/shoe, can you fix it" queries, and the oft-heard need for posterboard for birthday signs.  This year, since I have a new space to jazz up, I've been painting the walls whenever there's a stretch of unfilled time, as well. 

Evenings and early mornings, I hang out with my own kidlets and make goodies for the shop.  These are my new favorites---the Benadryl earrings.  With those colors, I couldn't have called them anything else.

These are called Paint the Town Red--I'm gaga over the little vintage bead-buttons I found for the dangles.
 So I've been hitting the button box pretty hard, but take heart!  There are melted marble pendants on the horizon.  What can I say?  I have a kiln, and I'm going to use it!


  1. So cute! Really love the vintage buttons. The Benadryl ones are my favorite. :D

  2. Oh Em Gee! Is that Esti? She is a carbon copy of you. And I love the earrings! You are talented.

  3. All gorgeous, especially your lovely girls..

  4. Thanks for the update and pictures. We miss you!


  5. ohh such cute pictures!!!
    and lovely earings! I too make earings with buttons. do you want to take a look at mine? this link (http://bem-trapilho.blogspot.com/search?q=Button+Mania) will take you to my catalog blog, where you can see my "button mania". :)


Thanks for taking the time to comment...it makes me feel a little less like I'm talking to myself again.